The second full-length Bloodred album “The Raven’s Shadow” is available for Download/Streaming on all major platforms.
This album wouldn’t have been possible without some great people, and I want to extend my thanks to Alexander Krull at Mastersound Entertainment for producing and mastering the album, Joris Nijenhuis for his fantastic drums and Stefan Heilemann (HEILEMANIA) for the awesome visuals. And finally to you, the fans! This one is for all of you now …
![BLOODRED - The Raven's Shadow - get it here](https://i0.wp.com/i.postimg.cc/Bv1rFy8H/bloodred-728.gif?w=680&ssl=1)
Media Feedback
““The Raven’s Shadow” is a stunning album of many layers and much depth. A theme, a story, put forth by a master storyteller. Both in words and notes. I foresee BLOODRED gaining in popularity in the future. I would love for his next album to come across my desk in promos. I see much good in store for BLOODRED! Totally, definitely….check this album out!”
(Metal Temple)
“It is a Blackened Death Metal proposal that will be worth listening to as they create an interesting fusion resulting from Black and Death influences […] Great job.”
(Metal Gods TV)
“The Raven’s Shadow” is worthy any minute the fan decides to spend listening to it. If you are a fan of an extremely well-done Extreme Metal band, Bloodred is the answer to your prayers.
(Metal Addicts)
“Es wird ein fettes Death Metal Brett dargeboten, das mit seiner schwarzmetallischen Bösartigkeit und den teils epischen Melodieakkorden direkt ins Blut übergeht und besagtes sehr stark in Wallung bringt. Hier ist exzessives Headbangen vorprogrammiert. Ein starkes Stück Metal, dem man unbedingt Beachtung schenken sollte.”
(“Massive Death Metal is presented here, which with its black metallic malevolence and the partly epic melody chords goes straight into the blood and gets the said one going. Excessive headbanging is pre-programmed here. A strong piece of metal you should definitely pay attention to.”)
(Metal Only)
“Definitiv eines der Top Blackened Death Metal-Alben der letzten paar Jahre.”
(“Definitely one of the top Blackened Death Metal albums of the past few years.”)
(AMMO supports the underground)
“Hier passt einfach alles zusammen! Ein tolles Album …”
(“Everything fits together here! A great album …”)
” … ein imposantes Album … Das was BLOODRED hier auf die Kette gebracht haben gelingt einigen Bands während ihres gesamten Bestehens nicht.”
(“… an impressive album … What BLOODRED have put on the chain here is not possible for some bands throughout their existence”)
(Zephyr’s Odem)
“The music of the band is a form of melodic Blackened Death Metal, pulsing with a raw energy and an aggressive insight tempered by fine and melodic arrangements. BLOODRED really can be great one day with the right sharpening of its own musical features, but for now, listening to “The Raven’s Shadow” is a very good experience.”
(Metal Temple)
“In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Bloodred and if you are a fan of melodic and blackened death metal, you should check out this album.”
(A Different Shade Of Black Metal)
“Gelegenheit zum Luftholen lässt einem das Album nicht. […] Technisch anspruchsvoll und dennoch gefühlvoll, druckvoll und dunkel mit sorgsam eingebrachten Melodien ist ein Album entstanden, das wie eine Wanderung durch das Teufelsmoor im Oktober.”
(“The album does not give you an opportunity to catch your breath. […] Technically demanding, yet soulful, powerful and dark with carefully introduced melodies, an album was created that is like a hike through the Teufelsmoor in October.”)
“With a blackened death metal approach that appears to be pretty straightforward, the band creates an impression with quality delivery.”
(The Metal Observer)
“Mit The Raven´s Shadow haben Bloodred ein gelungenes Stück Blackened Death Metal abgeliefert.”
(“With The Raven’s Shadow, Bloodred delivered a felicitous piece of Blackened Death Metal.”)
(Time For Metal)
“”The Raven’s Shadow” ist ein absolut hörenswertes Album mit einigen genialen Momenten geworden.”
(Kobzr Magazine)
“‘The Raven’s Shadow’ has become an uncommon, varied and accessible album. […] you should definitely try this album out”
(Arrow Lords of Metal)
“”The Raven´s Shadow” […] platziert BLOODRED im oberen Drittel der Metal-Bundesliga.”
(“”The Raven’s Shadow ”[…] places BLOODRED in the top third of the “Metal-Bundesliga”.)
“Fazit: BLOODRED liefert mit “The Raven’s Shadow” ein richtig gutes, abwechslungsreiches Album ab, das aus dem riesigen Becken an Veröffentlichungen im Bereich Black und Death Metal herausragt.”
(“Conclusion: BLOODRED delivers with “The Raven’s Shadow” a really good, varied album that stands out from the huge pool of releases in the field of Black and Death Metal.”)
“Viele gelungene Gitarrenriffs, gelegentliche softe Parts, dann wieder ein regelrechter Dampfhammer gepaart mit intensivem Growling – so könnte man mit wenigen Worten beschreiben, was man zu hören bekommt, allerdings ginge dabei der Blick auf die Vielschichtigkeit der einzelnen Tracks verloren!”
(“Many felicitous guitar riffs, occasional soft parts, then a real steam hammer paired with intense growling – you could describe in a few words what you hear, but you would lose sight of the complexity of the individual tracks!”)
(MetalMammas Neuigkeiten)
“Unterm Strich macht das zweite Album von BLOODRED ziemlich Spaß, weil Mastermind Ron Merz mit Herzblut in diesem Stil komponiert […] ein solides Stück Metall.”
(“The bottom line is that BLOODRED’s second album is pretty fun because mastermind Ron Merz is passionately composing a solid piece of metal in this style.”)
(Legacy / Print #126)
“Am Ende steht hier ein echt gutes Album, das Metalfreunde mit Faible für Black/Death und für starke Melodien packen sollte.”
(“In the end there is a really good album, which metal fans with a soft spot for black / death and strong melodies should grab.”)
to be continued …